Art Takeover Project 2024
Business Submission
Application Details
Participation submissions open to all Grosse Pointe Village Businesses
Exhibition dates: September 1st to Sept 31st, 2023
Submission deadline: July 23rd, 2023.
Special events TBD • Art Takeover Project kickoff • Meet the artist dates • Art scavenger hunt • Sip & stroll art walk
Businesses will receive a participation sign with a QR code, which can be placed in a window, doorway or outside of their store, along with an illustrated map with all participating stores highlighted. ATP will feature one business and their guest artist(s) a day.
Artists will be paired with businesses based on criteria listed on application. Number of artists per business will be determined based on square footage and available space for artwork, as directed by business.
Artists’ will undergo a jury selection before being accepted. Once accepted, we will provide contact info to artists and businesses to communicate directly.
Businesses are encouraged to create their own guidelines for artists while art is being displayed.
Art displays may be an individual piece/installation or a themed "Collection" We recommend keeping each collection display relative to other displays to keep the voting process fair (whether this is combined or spread out can be determined by artist and business)
Artists’ are responsible for obtaining insurance for their work. We can provide a list of carriers that we’ve worked with in the past that are affordable. If artists’ do not wish to insure their pieces, a waiver must be signed off on before installation to be eligible to display in the event.
Art may be for sale or NFS. Prices will be set by each artist and artists’ will retain all rights to their artwork during and after the event. If a sale occurs, artists’ should retain 100% of sale unless otherwise negotiated

**Businesses may have their own separate guidelines for displaying. Artist agrees to follow any special display rules or regulations their business host may have.
Artist must be 18 years or older
Artist is responsible for obtaining insurance for artwork. If artist does not wish to insure their pieces, a waiver must be signed off on before installation to be eligible to display in the event.
Artist and business host will decide on an installation date. Artwork must be hang-ready or installed no later than August 31st.
Artwork must be family-friendly.
Installation methods must be approved by business hosts and must not damage property or structures.
Artist will retain the rights to their artwork during and after event. Sales of artwork will go to the artist unless a commission is agreed on and signed between artist and business.
Artwork display must be installed securely and not pose a danger to visitors or other artists.
Accepted artwork should remain for entire duration of the Art Takeover Project unless approved by host and organizers. Hosts have the right to terminate artwork or artists that do not adhere to guidelines at any time.
The Grosse Pointe Downtown Business District and the Art Takeover Project organizers do not tolerate discrimination because of the race, religious or political affiliation, color, national origin, gender, physical disability, mental disability, gender identity, medical conditions, pregnancy, marital status, age or sex of any person while being represented by the Gallery. Violation of this policy will result in immediate termination and all future representation opportunities.